If this is your first time visiting a primitive related Blog and you're wondering just what primitives are, let us explain it for you. "Primitive" is a present-day term coined from the early 1800's referring to a style from an era where making-do was a way of life. Back in those times, sewing was not so much a hobby but a required skill. For example, quilts were needed to keep warm in the winter and folks didn't have alot of spending money for fabrics, so old clothing was used instead. And all of those pieces were sewn by hand (no machines then!). Dolls were often stuffed with rags or sawdust and had very little, if any, clothing or detailed faces.
Today, you will find primitive artists creating pieces such as dolls that look old, worn, stained, and very simple; this process takes

several hours or even days to create. Many artists use vintage elements within their artwork to 're-purpose' and give life again to something otherwise known as junk to those around us. In some cases, the more older and worn items you use, the more value it has. Many artists scour antique shops and flea markets, looking for that perfect piece to work with, to inspire a whole creation.
In styling terms, primitive can mean rustic, simple, grungy, worn, and anything to reflect a style of yester-year. From time to time our members create wonderful OOAK primitive items to fill your home from rag garlands and wreaths, dolls, fixin's, soap, candles and many more unique products.